Thursday, February 14, 2008


I was in the process of de-constructing a bin liner when Helena arrived and removed my installation, of an unrolled length of bin liners, to which it was attached. I'd threaded them through the door on the ground floor, across the room, up through the hatch to the first floor, then up through the hatch to the loft space, and into my bed. In exchange for my surrendered work I received a bowl of yoghurt and honey - yummy.

Shy Boy is behaving and it looks like he'll be spending the night with Gordon and myself. We did share the cardboard tube earlier today, which seemed to surprise Helena.

1 comment:

Birdtoes said...

Dear Mr. Blair,
Ah, how wonderful it is to find a kindred spirit.
As an artist, and a rat, I have found it very difficult to network with other artists who also happen to be rats.
I think your sculpture is sublime! I would buy it all if I could, but unfortunately I do not deal in human currency - only in yogurt drops.
I admire you greatly, Mr. Blair.
I hope you will check out my own artwork at:
My best to you always,
Your sincere fan,
Ezekiel Ryan Terrance Royal Ratte
aka Ezekiel the Rat
aka Ezekiel, the Internationally Famous (and Very Humble) Ratty Supermodel