Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Today we returned home after a long time away. The beginning and end of this period was very noisy and there was much rocking.

I'm happy to experience quietness and stability again,
however I do have fond memories of resting with Helena, on a large red sofa, in a warm and very light room.

Shy Boy
Because Gordon hasn't and Tony can't.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Thank you Autie Joyce for looking after us

A brief visit to familiar territory was made at the weekend when we traveled in our holiday home to Auntie Joyce's. Sadly, this was the first time Tony was not with us. Helena allowed us to take our cardboard tube and Gordon and I spent most of our time in it, head to head.

The holiday home means that we had one our rare encounters with pine wood cat litter, in addition to what has now become our regular bedding of fine quality, shredded paper, courtesy of the Co-operative Bank.

We've stayed in our holiday home till this afternoon. I was able to watch Helena at work this morning. In fact, I can see her now. I wonder what she's doing?

'Shy Boy' Archangel Gabriel
On behalf of Gordon Brown
In memory of Tony Blair