Monday, February 25, 2008


I've completed the installation and, even if I say so myself, it looks amazing! Threaded from the front door up through the two hatches and collecting in the bed, I've shredded the edges and created the most beautiful bedding for Gordon - who's fast asleep amongst it. Sheer genius.

Photos? Helena wants to Photoshop out the mess first.

Shy Boy is back and he's sourced my dried leaf. Hmm.
Shy Boy has been banished to the landing and Gordon is receiving much attention from Helena. I'm taking a break from another attempt at a bin bag installation, thought I'd lie with Gordon for a while, he's not at his best at the moment. Helena provided us with all our favourite foods this evening and his appetite appears to be as healthy as ever. So that's a comfort.

Not sure I can be bothered to finish the installation now. Maybe I've had too much sweetcorn.
Bit quiet without Shy Boy. I wonder when he'll be allowed back in.
There were so many sheets of paper lying around yesterday, I was in my element. Most of what I was able to collect was confiscated, but with such affection I didn't feel a loss.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


I was in the process of de-constructing a bin liner when Helena arrived and removed my installation, of an unrolled length of bin liners, to which it was attached. I'd threaded them through the door on the ground floor, across the room, up through the hatch to the first floor, then up through the hatch to the loft space, and into my bed. In exchange for my surrendered work I received a bowl of yoghurt and honey - yummy.

Shy Boy is behaving and it looks like he'll be spending the night with Gordon and myself. We did share the cardboard tube earlier today, which seemed to surprise Helena.
Last night was Shy Boy's third in solitary. He's only allowed out under supervision now, even so, he was tiresome. I decided to head downstairs and seek sanctuary in the room with the big red and white dust balls. I lay with them under the slatted wood. It was peaceful and I felt content.

Later in the evening Helena came to collect me. She ignored my protests and took me back to the house. I received some cheese and it did help me to forget the indignity of the situation, a little.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

'Shy Boy ' went too far yesterday, he just wouldn't let me be and I was left with an injured eye. Helena contained him in the lower part of the house, leaving Gordon and myself to rest in peace. He was allowed out this evening. Initially he behaved, I could even say he was good company, and then he started playing up again. I don't know.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

We've been returned to the floor of the noisy room (the one with all my favourite hideouts) after spending months, on a table, in the quiet room. The first thing I did was to check out my brazil nut stash, but it was gone. The floor smelt of polish and I didn't like that. Tried to play hide and seek with Shy Boy, but he doesn't have a clue about how to conceal himself.

Ran all over Helena when she got home, she was on the phone for ages so an easy target.

I heard her making distress calls this morning - think it was something to do with the leather armchair. Nothing to do with me. I'm more into paper myself. Shy Boy seems to be keeping his head down.